Department of the Interior would review the proposal, pending a comment period that was extended at the request of the opposing tribes. The Little River Band of Ottawa Indians wanted the land to be designated as lands in trust. 'Matter of fact, we wrote a letter of support for Gun Lake back in the day and some of these same accusations were used again when Gun Lake was trying to open their casino.” You know, from our tribes perspective, we've never been against any other tribes' efforts to get a casino,' said Larry Romanelli, Tribal Chairman for the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians. Gun Lake Casino sent an email encouraging employees to speak out in opposition, labeling the proposed casino as a threat. Nye said the casino would result in revenue loss for the other tribes and a loss in revenue they share with their communities. 'We're trying to educate our employees that due to this proposed casino, there would be a substantial loss in our ability to provide jobs,' said James Nye, a spokesman for the three tribes. The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Saginaw Chippewa Indians, and Gun Lake tribes, which own casinos in Battle Creek, Mount Pleasant, and Wayland Township, are trying to stop it. For 10 years the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians have tried to build a casino in Fruitport Township, near Muskegon, 90 miles south of the tribe's casino in Manistee.